N&N Noble Notes
Slow and deep bookmag with editorial offices in Prague, Berlin and London.
Winter 2024 & Spring 2025
In the new Noble Notes Bookmag you will find many European personalities: icon of British journalism, Max Hastings, and German model Petra van Bremen, who at the age of 65 is continuing in her successful career as a model. Husband and wife duo, Angelika and Markus Hartmann, from the Stuttgart-based publishing house for photography books, describe the current situation of the publishing world. An article about the former president of Slovakia, Zuzana Čaputová, who continued to be a woman, mother, and daughter while in office, offers an extraordinary perspective. Head bell-ringer at St. Vitus Cathedral, Tomáš Stařecký, takes us almost to the top to experience traditional, manual bell-ringing. A retreat in Eastern Moravia, where we cordially invite you, promises rest and relaxation. Finally, the next article reveals why consumers of drinking water should rely on Filbec filters.
Noble Notes Bookmag – available in three countries
Czech Republic
N&N is available in all leading bookstores for 270 CZK
and at the reception in the Black Swan House for 270 CZK.
Albatros Media for 230 CZK plus postage.
In Berlin, N&N is available in all leading bookstores for 11 Euro.
Order and shipping: 📧 Nicolaische Buchhandlung for 11 Euro plus postage.
In Slovakia you can buy N&N at Brot Books for 11 Euro.
About the publisher
Black Swan Media publishing house issues a publication combining the attributes of a book,
a magazine, a diary and a letter – N&N Noble Notes.
The publisher of Noble Notes is Danuše Siering, who has been developing the concept of Czech-German publishing house Black Swan Media in Dům Černá Labuť on Na Poříčí since 2015. She organises the Czech-German Salon in Berlin and Prague, continuing a tradition of salons that Albert Einstein and Franz Kafka among others attended.
N&N is published in 1000 copies. Editor Jan Müller, Deputy Editor Lucie Pantazopoulou Drahoňovská, Art Director Michaela Zajíčková, Staff Writers Barbora Vojtová and Anastázie Harris. Editorial board: Jan Horák and Marcela von Kayser.
Subscribe to N&N Czech-German Bookmag and enjoy intellectual insight twice a year
on Germany and the Czech Republic in a magazine with stylistic confidence and visual pleasure.
Issue 2024: 10th June and 2nd December
The annual subscription fee is 500 CZK
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