Principles of the processing of personal data
N&N declares that all personal data processed by us will be treated in strict confidence and in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. The security of your personal data is a priority for us.
About N&N
An artistic layout, an experienced production team and a unique distribution mix guarantee the quality and impact of our clients’ presentations. N&N contains current and interesting news from Berlin and Prague. The operator of the N&N website is BLACK SWAN MEDIA, s.r.o.
List of N&N employees
- Employees with data protection and confidentiality agreements
The e-mail contact and for questions about personal data is:
The purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into force on 25 May 2018, is to create common data protection rules across the European Union. The regulation applies to controllers and processors of personal data of individuals from EU countries.
A number of principles are based on current EU data protection legislation. But the General Data Protection Regulation has a broader scope, stricter standards and provides for high fines. For example, it requires more than standard consent for the use of certain types of data and extends the rights of individuals in relation to data portability and access to data. More effective enforcement tools will also be introduced, allowing the supervisory authority to impose fines of up to four per cent of annual turnover on companies for certain breaches.
Commitment and preparation by N&N
The protection of your data is a priority for N&N. We comply with applicable EU data protection legislation and are committed to also complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
A description of all the ways in which we process individuals’ personal data can be found in our Data Use Policy. We will provide a consent environment with instructions for new and existing users.
You will continue to have control over how your personal data is used.
Main rights of citizens (data subjects)
Find out about the handling of personal data and data breaches.
Objection to the processing of personal data.
Right to erasure and right to be forgotten (deletion of links and context).
Main obligations of controllers and processors of personal data
The obligations apply to all institutions and companies that process or collect personal data of EU citizens. This includes public administrations, schools, healthcare institutions, companies with employees, banks, e-shops and other organisations.
Keep records of the processing of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and consent to the processing of personal data.
Anonymise, pseudonymise and minimise data processing.
Appointment of a data protection officer (DPO).
We process your personal data for the following reasons
- You are our customers
- You are a visitor to our website and have given us your consent to measure your data traffic
- You are a visitor to our website and have provided us with an e-mail address for the sending of commercial communications
- You have completed our online questionnaire
- You have completed our offline questionnaire
Cient N&N
We process your personal data
- On the basis of the contract
- On the basis of a legal obligation
- On the basis of a legitimate interest
We process the following personal data
- Last name
- Your address
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
- Internet address
We use your personal data in the following ways and for the following purposes
We will use the information you provide to:
- Create a contract
- Invoicing of services
- Telephone communication
- Electronic communication
- Sending relevant strategic or commercial messages
We require your consent to use your personal data for the following reasons
- So that we can draw up a contract, invoice you for services, arrange an appointment with you or your employees
Your consent to the use of your personal data applies only to the following natural and legal persons
It will have access to the personal data you have provided
- Employees with data protection and confidentiality agreements
You or your employees can be contacted by
- Employees with data protection and confidentiality agreements
Your personal data will be stored
- Only in electronic form on the computers of N&N employees with security to the best of our knowledge and belief
- Only in electronic form in Google Drive, with a multi-authorisation login that makes it as impossible as possible to steal login data for this service.
Declaration of consent or objection to the storage and processing of personal data
- consent is given automatically on the basis of a contract, a legal obligation and a legitimate interest
- You can object to the storage and processing or modification of certain stored information by sending a request to
Records of the processing of personal data
No personal data has been processed since the GDPR came into force (25 May 2018).